Wednesday, April 16, 2008

pray pray pray!!!!

i know i don't blog as often as i should, but i need y'alls help!! i have a HUGE decision in front of me. a job opportunity came up and i have to decide by tomorrow. so if anyone still looks at my blog, please pray for me. i am very confused and have no idea what to do. God dropped this job offer in my lap without me even looking for it. i have had a very rough last couple weeks at work and was thinking about looking for a new job and this appeared out of nowhere. it could be great and a way to get my name out there and so many other things. but i am having a very hard time weighing all the options. so please think of me while you are praying. i appreciate it all and miss everyone who i never get to see or talk to. THANKS TONS!!!!!


Anonymous said...

I'll pray that God will make it obvious what you should do. My 2 cents is that if you'd been about to look for something else and something else popped up, I'd probably take it. I know you said in your e-mail that it was a pay cut, which muddies the decision a bit, but if you're unhappy where you are and if the new job offers increased exposure/recognition (which sounds like it could probably lead to better paying jobs in the long run) as well as a better working situation... Just sayin'. But then I'm the sort of person who has very little tolerance for working situations that make me unhappy.

Just whatever you do, make sure you never work with/for Jason whatshisname that was on Hell's Kitchen this year. Have you been watching? What a misogynist jerk.

Angie B. said...

Becky: I have your blog in my feed reader & saw your update. Will be praying that you would have wisdom as you make your decision!

annie said...

I'm praying for you. Some of the things that God has dropped in my lap have been the best things in my life..... :)

jennifer h said...


I hadn't looked at your blog, but I knew about this decision from your e-mail and from your mom at Bible study. She said you took the job. I will be praying it is a good transition for you and a better environment for you.